Help us Grow our family
Help us Grow our family
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Days to go

Jannet Millan is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Jannet, I am happily married to my husband Andy  for 12 years. I was 18 he was 26, We’ve been dating for about 16 years. Two years  into dating we decided to ttc so I decided to not use birth control methods. Month after month it was a negative pregnancy test my periods became abnormal. I started to get worried being 20 years old and not getting pregnant. So I decided to go to my doctor she then told me I have pcos and gave me metformin. I felt lost confused because i went in for abnormal periods and she just gave me metformin no follow up check up. A month into our wedding my period stopped I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I was feeling nauseous I didn’t get my period for 3 months and finally I got a positive pregnancy test. When I went to the doctors to confirm my pregnancy the doctors could not tell how far along I was but My husband and I were extremely happy and filled with joy. A few weeks after I started spotting the doctor performed an emergency ultrasound where we saw our tiny little Angel moving. He assured us everything was fine that spotting was ok unless it’s heavy bleeding. Unfortunately on 8/2011 our dream of becoming parents came to an end when our baby gained his/her wings. Boy was that traumatizing the ER doctor said I’m sorry you have lost your baby. So we went home sad,i was depressed not understanding why this had to happen to me. A few day later I started to bleed heavily my husband took me to the ER that’s when I started having pain feeling like I had to push. Turns out I was having a miscarriage making  my emotions even harder to deal with what was going on. My husband and I have been trying to conceive after taking a break, and after going through countless pregnancy tests and getting our hopes up every test have been negative. Recently after a few years of ttc we found out we need ivf to become parents. It’s hard to get asked why we don’t have children while I do have lots of nieces and nephews I want to experience being the mom  and showing my child all the love in the world. I’m reaching 35 years this year and all I think about is my time is coming to an end and it will be that much harder to get pregnant.
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Jannet Millan is organizing this fundraiser.